The Interior architect & designer imagines our living spaces for today and tomorrow

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Camondo will be present at Maison&Objet 2024 for an exclusive talk



September 6, 2024 - 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

TALK MAISON&OBJET: “80 years of Camondo: Who will be tomorrow’s designers?”

September 6, 2024 – 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm

Maison&Objet, Hall 7 (Parc des expositions – Paris Nord Villepinte)

The Camondo school is celebrating its 80th anniversary: since its creation, it has trained around 1,500 designers and interior architects in a demanding training program for the design of products and spaces, with a complex equation: in a constantly changing world, how can we train today those who will be practicing tomorrow? How does a school fit in with the challenges facing society? How can teaching methods combine know-how and interpersonal skills to meet the ultimate goal of job integration? How can we encourage and nurture creativity during studies, without restricting it, so as to be operational in the marketplace? In the face of ecological challenges, what questions will tomorrow’s designers have to answer? And, like AI, what new tools and media will they need to master?


  • Charlotte Juillard, Designer and Art Director, a graduate of the Camondo school.
  • Paul Marchesseau, Designer and Interior Architect, graduate of the Camondo school.
  • Caroline Naphegyi, Director of Studies, école Camondo

The round table will be moderated by Nathalie Degardin.

September 6, 2024 – 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm

Maison & Objet, Hall 7

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to discover the history and pedagogical philosophy of the Camondo school, and to exchange ideas with inspiring professionals!

  • To find out more, click HERE.
  • To get your badge for Maison&Objet, click HERE.
  • To discover the “Camondo 80” trail at Paris Design Week 2024, click HERE.
- Charlotte Juillard, Designer et Directrice artistique

- Charlotte Juillard, Designer et Directrice artistique

Paul Marchesseau, Designer et Architecte d'intérieur

Paul Marchesseau, Designer et Architecte d'intérieur

- Caroline Naphegyi, Directrice des études, école Camondo

- Caroline Naphegyi, Directrice des études, école Camondo

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