The Interior architect & designer imagines our living spaces for today and tomorrow

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Direct entry into the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year (Paris and Toulon)

For years 2, 3 and 4, applications for the entrance exam are closed.

  • Register now for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th year equivalence entrance exam (French curriculum in Paris or Toulon) : click here 

  • Register now for the 4th year equivalence entrance exam (English track only in Toulon).

Direct entry is possible for candidates who have a previous university career related to interior architecture.

For more information,

Candidates still in education may also be accepted to sit the entrance competition. In this case, acceptance in contingent upon the candidate obtaining that year’s credits.

Please note that only preparatory classes that generate credits will be taken into account for entry into 2nd year.

The procedure for admission to the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year takes place in two steps.

In the first step, the applicant will be asked to submit an eligibility file summarising his/her background, all undergraduate grades and identity documents.

The candidate – if eligible – will then receive a link to upload a .pdf file of their most recent work and their motivation letter. In addition, he/she will be called for an interview of about twenty minutes with a committee composed of two teachers who will judge the quality of his/her file.

The candidate will have to complete a twenty-minute remote interview before a committee composed of two teachers who judge the quality of the candidate’s personal portfolio and ask them questions about their motivations and career plans.

This interview will take place remotely for all candidates.

For the first step :

  • Copy of national identity card or passport required
  • Residence permit optional and to be completed only for the persons concerned
  • Copy of the baccalauréat or equivalent qualification.
  • All reports and ECTS obtained after the baccalaureate or equivalent title.

For the second step :

  • A motivation letter.
  • A portfolio in .pdf format of the work you have done during your previous studies, demonstrating your skills in design and interior architecture.

Before the beginning of classes, the candidates will have to prove:

  • for the French candidates a level in English equal to at least B1
  • for the foreign candidates a level in French equal to at least B2.
  • 150 € competition registration fee.
  • 300 € application fee; non-refundable, due only on first enrolment in the program.
  • 9,450 € annual tuition fee for entry into 2nd or 3rd year, due on enrolment and refundable in the event of force majeure, option to pay in several instalments.
  • 12,600 € annual tuition fee for 2nd cycle in French or English (years 4 and 5) due upon registration and refundable in the event of unforeseen circumstances or force majeure; possibility of payment in instalments.
  • 150 € competition registration fee.
  • 700 € application fee; non-refundable, due only on first enrolment in the program.
  • 11,000 € annual tuition fee for entry into 2nd or 3rd year, due on enrolment and refundable in the event of force majeure, option to pay in several instalments.
  • 14,500 € annual tuition fee for 2nd cycle in French or English (years 4 and 5) due upon registration and refundable in the event of unforeseen circumstances or force majeure; possibility of payment in instalments.

All students can, depending on their resources:

  • Receive the “Equal Opportunities” grant
  • Receive CROUS grants

To finance your studies:
Caisse d’Epargne offers loans at a specific rate.

To make an appointment with a Montparnasse Agency adviser
T: +33 (0)1 71 39 13 19

More information in the digital brochure

Students benefit from all the advantages of the student status (Social Security, Crous services, etc.) and the French government grant system (accreditation of 22 November 1990 for the 5-year course). They can also apply for the school’s Equal Opportunities grant.

At the start of the academic year, students must provide a copy of their residence permit, in addition to a study visa.

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